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Juvie male(s) and friends (foes)?!

19 years ago


I was actually able to capture pictures outside (rather than through the window) and to see my first males! These were some bold hummers who didn't bolt at me or the camera or the flash and even gave me plenty of time to take some pics (as I fumbled...lol). I can't tell if the top 2 are of the same one. The little red spot on the throat and the pattern of dots near the spot don't seem to match up exactly... but then that could just be due to grooming and stretching.

Then I have this one (again, not sure if this is of the same one as the above):

This bottom one may have been the one that I was thinking was a Rufous but perhaps it is a juvie male too... It's certainly colorful!

The battles have been ongoing out there this evening and these birds have been perching to guard the feeder from each other!

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