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Looking for suggestions to fill a big empty space

I have a steep slope on the southeast side of my house behind the garage with a flagstone staircase that is currently empty aside from a crabapple (some sort of unidentified hybrid that blooms white). The crab is only just starting to leaf out, but the photos should give you a general idea of the morning light. It's shaded by about 2pm from the shadow of the house, but still quite bright with indirect light until evening.

The area to the left of the steps is 21 feet long by 12 feet wide up at the top and 3.5 feet wide at the narrowest section toward the bottom. That's the only side I'm currently interested in planting (baby steps -- we'll see about under the crab next year or even the year after).

About 15 years ago, the landscaper who installed the staircase planted the left side with a globe blue spruce and a bunch of crimson pygmy barberry, but clearly he wasn't terribly interested in the long-term success of those plants, and at the time I was far too ignorant to realize none of them had any business loitering in shade. The bigger they got, the leggier they were and the more bald spots they had until I finally ripped them all out two years ago (that dark blob a ways above the coiled hose is a little warrior barberry that absolutely refuses to die).

It's a fairly decent sized space that could probably look really nice, but I don't exactly have a master plan for what to do with it beyond "plant some hosta". I only have five wee baby hosta in my very new backyard garden (this will only be its third summer), so I'm not terribly familiar with the endless varieties. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

For reference, the five hosta I have are:
August Moon
Queen Josephine

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