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Anyone? Anyone?

Behind my house is a field. It is actually the 'yard' of a guy who runs a landscaping/mowing business. He must be very popular, because during the summer months he never has time to mow his own 4-5 acres and it becomes a field of long grasses and wildflowers. Not that I am one to complain. It gives me a nice view of various plants that would not necessarily work in my garden beds. Amongst all the Spanish Needles, Bluemist Flower, Spiderwort and other 'weedy' wildflowers, I found this one growing up along the fence line next to my wildflower bed (what are the odds?). In the picture below, you can see some of the Spanish Needles peeking from the rear, but all the rest is of the mystery plant. Before the red flower spikes showed up, I had thought it was a plant similar to Cassia/Senna, but now that those spikes have shown up, I'm at even more of a loss as to what it could be. Does anyone happen to know what it might be?




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