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blood lily propogation/spreading?

I'm not looking for advice on doing this, just wondering how it happened without my help.

I noticed yesterday that my blood lily has two babies about a foot away. I'm thrilled because I love the surprise the mother plant gives me when it suddenly pops up and blooms. But where did the babies come from? Do they spread by rhizomes underground? Or did it self-pollinate and the seeds dropped nearby? I planted this as a bulb from HD and as I recall, it looked like a basic bulb, not a rhizome that might spread, but maybe I'm misremembering.

I've been thinking about getting more of them because I like the foliage too. So the babies were a nice discovery. Should I be worried about it spreading like heliconias?

And how long will the babies take to bloom? They didn't this year, but there's no question that's what I've got. That red speckled stem is pretty unique.

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