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Anything new on citrus greening ?

Lost my 20 + ft tall Ruby Red grapefruit tree a bit over two years ago. A displaced Yankee, I thought I knew about grapefruits until I tasted my first Ruby Red, right off that very tree. Enjoyed three consecutive bonanza harvests, then the signs the tree was dying showed up in the fall of 2011. A pitiful, ugly, unedible mini harvest, then one year later no fruit and almost no leaves at all, - left me no choice but to cut it down.
The space in my yard is still vacant, but hesitant to pay out $65 for a replacement, plus the labor, without any hopes it won't meet the same fate. Anyone out there have any encouraging info for us Ruby Red lovers ? Is it worth taking a gamble and planting a new tree, or better to wait awhile and hope the scientists will come up with a meaningful breakthrough,..or have they already ?
Miss my meaty, tart delights ! lol

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