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I never get more than 2 or 3 pumpkins

Looking for advice. I am a reasonably successful gardener except for pumpkins. potatoes, raspberries, onions, sweet corn, beans, peas, etc. all seem to grow well.

I have tried several times in the last few years to grow pumpkins. I plant the hills, thin the plants, and mulch the weeds around the hills and mow around the vines. The most I ever got off a vine is 3 pumpkins.

soil ph is 7.0 - 7.4

soil is slightly sandy and grows pretty much anything. I haven't used any insecticides and haven't seen any evidence of pest damage. seeds are from big box stores.

suggestions and comments are welcome. don't be afraid of insulting me; if I am doing something stupid it won't be the 1st time.

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