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another butterfly question

So I was avoiding the heat by trying to figure out if the swarm of butterflies on the goldendewdrop are viceroys, queens, soldiers or monarchs. My conclusion is none of the above. They're Gulf Fritillaries. Which led me to a site that had pics of GF caterpillars. Something absolutely identical to those spiny orange little guys invaded (and defoliated) my desert rose. But the info says they only eat native passion flower vines.

Is there another butterfly whose caterpillar looks like that? Or are they maybe less discriminating than wikipedia claims? The hardy little desert rose recovered.

(My golden dewdrop is dripping purple flowers, and butterflies, prompting all these questions. I've also seen a zebra longwing and a Florida white, lots of casius and sulfur and some sort of swallowtail I have yet to identify. And I found a chrysallis of something on my parsley. He can have it. I never liked parsely.)

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