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geraniums in pots... how much sun & water? and zonal geraniums!

i have some new scented geraniums (thanks, castorp!) and i'd like to put them in pots, in fairly strong, 3/4 day sun. in the group's accumulated wisdom, how would you rate the tolerance of scented geraniums for dry conditions?

i was at EPCOT yesterday, enjoying their flower show... i was amazed at the zonal geraniums there. i have good luck with geraniums, but i've never ever seen them look as lush and deep green as at disney... i know, i know -- lots of water, lots of chemicals, lots of manpower. but still, really lovely. anyone know a trick for keeping leaves deep green?

finally, i'm really satisfied with the ivy geraniums i started from seed this year. wonderful foliage, delightful blooms (striped, even!) and really drought tolerant. anyone else growing them?

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