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Searched, but overwhelmed: Seeds harvested now what?! Thx!

14 years ago

Ok I'm a newbie, who is trying her hand at a bit of gardening. I have no training and really no one to help or guide me. This is all thanks to having a HORRIBLE landscaper when we moved in our new house, the repair duty has fall to me. That being said you will see me asking alot of starter/help me questions soon, LOL.

In an effort to help make our landscaping decent, I got some family donations...My aunt moved from her house she thoughtfully donated some of her many plants she had collected over the years. Some of which were daylilies. I saw the nice seed pods growing this year and thought hmmm... Maybe I should give it a go, plant some seeds.

I asked her what she recommends... She is funny...

"scratch the ground and bury the seed. If it grows great, it was meant to. If not, oh well it was free...."

On to the point....

So I have collected seeds from my "ready" Daylilies over the past week or so. (Most pods are still browning and are now quite ready yet.) I searched the internet for help on what's best to do with the seeds...

In searching I'm seeing some people say refrigerate them, some say not. Sow outside, inside. Bags, rocks, sand.... holy cow. There are so many methods.... my brain hurts.

So in an effort to keep the the harvested ones alive I used one method I saw... bagged them in damp peat moss and placed them on the top of the fridge. They have not been treated with anything. Now I'm here asking what do I do next.

It is mid July and I live in GA just south of Atlanta. Do I refridgerate them for a time? Is refrigeration needed, or is this used to delay growth? Or is it needed to kick start the plant into thinking it went through winter so it is no longer dormant and starts to germinate? Living in GA when is the best time to start the seeds? Oh my goodness...

Please just help me to not do the WRONG thing.. LOL!

I want to do what is best for the plants to get the most viable seedlings to fill in the landscaping. Thats my end goal for now. No selling or cross pollinating at this time. I do realize that the seeds are not going to necessarily look like the adults they came from.

Thank you so much for any advise and help!

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