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2012 a new year for fragrant delights?

I'm sharing what I hope will bloom this year that I have or I've ordered and will be arriving this year along with my disappointments of last year and some of my wants for the new year (yes, I have too many plants already but you know how you always desire new fragrances!).

Have but hasn't bloomed that I'm hoping will bloom this year:

Brunfelsia densifolia/densiflora

Brunfelsia isola

Jasminum officinale (that is if it survives the winter)

Hoya obscura

Epiphyllum anguliger

Mandevilla laxa

Petunia 'Old vining' from Seed Savers Exchange

Begonia 'John Smith' and 'Sunrise Scentiment'

Brugmansia 'Golden Lady'

Hedychium coronarium

H. 'Daniel Weeks'

H. 'Peach Delight'

H. 'Tai Mammoth'

H. 'Tai Monarch'

Disappointments from last year:

Murraya paniculata- the fragrance was too generic floral for me and doesn't smell to my nose like citrus blossoms.

Jasminum nitidum- scent not strong enough but is a gorgeous plant to look at.

Brugmansia 'Cherub'- scent not strong compared to 'Charles Grimaldi' and 'Betty Marshall'.

Bouvardia longiflora- scent not strong enough and to my nose similar to Nicotiana alata (plus the fact that I killed it by over watering!).

Brunfelsia nitida- Only bloomed once for me in the two years I had it.

Hoya lacunosa- generic floral scent similar to Murraya paniculata IMO.

New plants I'd like to try for 2012:

Telosma cordata

Petunia 'Priscilla'- might not want this after I smell the old fashioned vining ones!

Passiflora mooreana- has a scent similar to gardenia or jasmine?

Passiflora serratifolia- Logee's states it has a rich and pleasing fragrance?

What's everyone else's hopes and dreams for 2012?

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