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Ficus Benjamina: entire branches are drying out and dying

9 years ago

I have a ficus benjamina that is about 7-8 feet tall. I got it from a friend last year who wanted to throw it out. I placed it in a medium to be bright spot (no direct sunlight) in my house and after it's initial getting used to the new conditions (lost only some leaves - this spot is brighter than where it was at the previous owner) it started growing and got a lot of new leaves. It slowed down during the winter months and I was hoping for a nice growth spurt again this spring. This did not occur. Instead one branch all of a sudden had all leaves turn yellow and the branch itself got all dried out and died (the bark is shriveled up and the wood dead). This is now spreading across the tree in a slow process. I have had to cut of numerous branches and now one of the three main big branches (coming from the trunk) has died entirely. At the same time, I am getting new growth (not as much and as fast as before) on the healthy parts of the tree. I cannot see any bugs on the tree but sprayed it with organic bug spray anyway. At first I thought it slowed the process but nothing really changed. I water it once a week and fertilized once in the spring. It would be very sad if this tree died. Please help. I have not been able to find anyone talking about this phenomenon anywhere and all my plant friends (none of them ficus owners) are at a loss. Can somebody give me some advice? Thank you.

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