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The best it can be yet?? Heck no. (1 pic)

16 years ago

Martha posted a question a few weeks ago asking when our gardens were at their peak. After futzing around for a few years with with my little cottagey patch, I seem to have gotten it to the point where it doesn't look wonderful at any time of the year. But most times it's pretty decent. I haven't run out of ideas, and, in fact, I'm still working on a couple I got here when I first arrived.

The hollyhocks and daisies seem to be especially happy this year, so I thought I should show them to you, since I know you all like pics. You may notice a trellis on the right with nothing on it. That's for my John Davis rose and Henryi clematis, but John, while happy, is still small, and Henry doesn't seem to be thrilled at all to be in my garden. Maybe the third year (next year) will be the charm for them. Still tons of room for improvement. That's what makes it fun right?

You may also notice what appears to be a small male human being on the left of the picture. That would be my two year old grandson, not yet a garden helper, though not for the lack of trying. I don't dare go in the garden when he is near or he thinks he should plow right in there too.

Happy 4th of July to all USers.


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