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Seeds Whose Import is Banned in the U.S.

15 years ago

I learned about this while researching that Fitzroya. REsin you're right, it is indeed a cutting. Strybing (the san francisco arboretum) has one that I believe is seed grown, but the one I got two days ago is from a cutting grown by stanley and sons nursery in oregon ( They actually have a lot of really interesting stuff, athrotaxis grown from seed, etc. and the gentleman who owns the place is down to talk.

Anyway, here is the link to a site I found in EUROPE that one can buy fitzroya seeds from:

one packet will cost you twenty five bucks.

and here is a link to the site listing BANNED species into the U.S. -

I don't quite understand it, though. If a species is endangered, wouldn't you WANT to encourage growers, even commercial ones, to propagate it from seed to ensure it's survival? Granted this might encourage seed collectors to trapse though the last remaining preserves of it, but how much damage could that do, and wouldn't the benefit outweigh the risk?

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