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Daylilies with bite: toothies!

14 years ago

I like to collect toothy cultivars. Here are some daylilies with lots of bite.

SPACECOAST SHARP TOOTH - Thanks to Rick for the nice trade! Color was lighter today, probably because of high temps.

CRETACEOUS CRUNCH was toothless last year, but this season it grew a nice, sharp set of canines.

Closeup of some of CRETACEOUS CRUNCH's largest teeth


NEWTIE'S FANGS, a gift from a seller who knows I like teeth. This one also sometimes has pinched petals.

DARK WONDER has some teeth on the petaloids. This is the first year it's doubled a lot.

WINTER'S ANGEL has teeth and tendrils on its edge. (I darkened this pic a bit so you could see the pink highlights. The flower is really ligher than this.)

GILDED KNIGHT was my first toothy, and is a great performer.

MISTER BUBBLES has lots of teeth and tendrils here when temps are hot and humid.

FORBIDDEN FANTASY had more teeth than I expected.

SHARK BITE has a different color combo for a toothy one.

BACK SCRATCHER really impressed me on a lot of levels. It's great in a clump.

SPINY SEA URCHIN - I tried to sell this one, but it rotted, grew some new little fans and put up a small scape. Best bloom in 4 years!

BLAZING SADDLES surprised me with it's teeth. No teeth were advertised in the sales copy. (Warning: This only happens when temps are in the mid-90s.)

BARACUDA BAY is another oldie that always bares its teeth.


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