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green zebra mystery solved, sort of

It's not a green zebra. I'm afraid it's probably not even my mislabeling. There was a possibility I had mixed up a green zebra plant with one of the no-name yellows. But the first tomato produced was quite red.

I'm happy with any tomato produced in my yard, and this one is smallish, but firm and tasty, with more to come on the plant. But now I'm wondering if anyone else I shared these seeds with has produced a green zebra.

There are a couple possible explanations for my red tomato

1) it was from the green zebra seeds I saved from the farmers' market, but it was open pollinated, so maybe my particular fruit was crossed with something.

2) it was from the no-name yellow, and something similar involving the birds and the bees happened. If that's the case, then maybe someone else actually has green zebras. Do tell.


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