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Pinus densiflora Photo Gallery 2010

Native to Eastern-Asia, the Japanese Red Pine has some nice conifer cultivars for gardens. Most are large trees in time. Here are some young cultivars in my gardens. Full free to share some of yours.

Pinus densiflora 'Robinson's Bonsai'. A fast growing, irregular shaped pine. Usually throws out diagnol growth in various directions in an open-shaped, bonsai style. Noted also for it's small purple cones, this is a great tree if you have some room. My specimen grew over 2' this year on the main leader but much less on the other branches.

'Cesarini's Varigated'. Usually the varigation in the red pines seems to be stronger with colder weather. We shall see how it does here in the mild Pacific Northwest. Relatively fast grower.

'Burke's Red Varigated'. The red part of the name comes from the red pine type. This cultivar is similar to Cesarini's - and in my young plants so far they are indistinguishable.

'Silver Ghost'. Noted I believe for it's silvery bark - perhaps some varigation as well though not yet on my 3-year old guy.

'Pendula'. A weeping variety with long needles.

'Vibrant'. A shorter growing semi-dwarf with nice lime-green needles.


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