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Report on Bubble wrap insulation for fig overwintering

Scott F Smith
18 years ago

I'm trying some aluminum-coated bubble wrap as insulation on my figs this year. That plus leaves packed inside. The cover is a total seal, it is a complete wind barrier. It looks like a silver tent over the figs, going all thew way down to the ground. I got this stuff for my greenhouse walls and had some left over so I thought I would try it on the figs.

I have been monitoring the temp inside vs the temp outside, and can conclude that even above the leaves under the cover I am getting 10 degrees F of warming. Last weekend we had a low of 8F and it was reading 19F under the figs. Since the "ground heater" is running at 55F or so (the deep soil temperature), the colder it gets the more warming you get. So at 25F this morning it was 31F under the cover -- only 6 degrees. The good news is the colder it gets the more heating you get. This has been a mild winter, usually it gets down around 0F at some point. My guess is I would get 13-15 degrees improvement at 0F, given the results at 8F and 25F. In the past I had measured the temperature under the leaves and I was getting almost 20 degrees warmer there. But I can't pack the leaves all the way to the top, even if I do they settle. Another bit of good news is the aluminum reflects sun so it also gets less hot on those hot days and should help prevent early bud-break.

One concern I have is there is no watering of the figs soil, but I expect enough is leeching in from the outside. I am also concerned that some critters will decide its a nice warm place to spend the winter. That idea could be nipped by getting the edge weighted down. Also I have some feijoa planted amongst the figs and it is an evergreen but is not getting any sun so that may not work out so well. But so far the feijoa is holding all of its leaves, whereas for every other winter it has dropped them all. So overall its looking like a good idea, the biggest problem in fact is probably the cost of the insulation, it was around $150 for something like 50'x4'.


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