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What would you plant considering my data?

14 years ago

OK, I will give you all meteorological and pedological data about my area, and you give your advices what conifer is most suitable for here.

I had already discussion about that on local forum, but I'm interested in worldwide comments.

So, here it is.

Planet Earth, Europe, Croatia, Vinkovci

latitude: 45° 17' 29.6592"

lingitude: 18° 48' 14.508",-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&ie=UTF8&hl=en&geocode=FREWswIdmOEeAQ&split=0

Koeppen classification CfwbÂxÂ

average annual temperature 11.2°C

absolute minimum -30.5°C

absolute maximum 39.0°C

average rainfall 638.9 mm

average wind direction NW 30.3%, SE 29.4%, SW 22.6% i NE 14.5%

average number of days with strong wind ( Beaufort scale )

⥠6 B - 11.2 days, ⥠8 B - 1.1 days

average number of days with fog - 29.3 days

average number of days with snow on ground ⥠0.1 cm - 30.8 days

winter cloudiness 6.3 - 7.4

summer cloudiness 3.6 - 5.1

average number of days with Tmin 0.0°C - 83.0 days

longest period with snow on ground ⥠0.1 cm - 160 days

shortest period with snow on ground ⥠0.1 cm - 1 day

frost is recorded in every month except August

Type of soil is mostly clay with loess.

As you see, climate is not very good, considering rainfall, and it is practically semi-arid climate, with cold winters, and hot summers.

If you ask me, not very good climate for most conifers.

Waiting for you answers.

Regards, Anton

Comments (4)

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