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Watch Your Step!

I think a lot of us Cottage Gardeners tend to plant things tightly together. Not only does it look nice, but it helps to shade out the weeds.

The downside is that it is REALLY difficult to find a space to step, lol! It is especially hard now, in the spring, when things are just starting to come up and you can't see them very clearly. I can not tell you how many poor plants my feet have mashed already. Makes me so annoyed at myself, especially since I try and be SO careful in the beds... Is there a happy medium between the packed full gardens we love and easy accessibility?

My problem is that if I see a bare spot in the garden (even if it is only a couple inches!) I will want to fill it with a plant, even if it is an established 'stepping zone'. This year I plan to be smart and do something about it, before any more plants get the foot, LOL! Today I have been digging up some stepping stones I made last year and put around the raspberry patch. I don't need them any more since I put a rock lined path thru the bed and made it curve around the patch. Then I dug out the flat rocks/stepping stones I had out in the new shade garden since I plan to put another rock lined path there too. In a couple more weeks (once everything is up and I can mark off the right spots) I plan to place the stones around places I always seem to be stepping. That way I won't be tempted to fill even the few bare stepping spots left. Once everything fills out I doubt they will even be very noticeable anyhow.

What about you guys? Do you try not to plant too close together, to avoid that very thing? Or have you planned out your beds so that most of it is accessible from a path or safe spot? Do you keep large 'no plant zones' within the beds in order to move around more easily? Lots of pathways? Stepping stones? Let's hear! ;-)


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