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I don't know her name, but I like her.

15 years ago

I found this rose in the woods behind my house. There once was a very extensive garden on this property. Over the years, it's grown back into a young forest. I have a pair of owls. Anyway, I moved it in February to my new trellis. Then, I decided to move it because I didn't know what color it would be. It had to be yellow to match the carolina jasmine. I'm anal retentive like that. So I put it against the front steps thinking, meh, whatever, I doubt it blooms for 2 years. Well today it's bloomed. And lots of her friends are coming soon. I think I need to go on a forage through the woods.




Yes, she's already rusty, but she's doing fine. I can't wait to see what she looks like combined with the Heavenly Blue morning glory planted at her feet.

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