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blue atlas cedar, container grown

15 years ago

i planted a bl atlas cedar from 10" grow pot to 30" plastic planter on terrace in nyc last year. the "tree" is about 3-4' tall. it has put out lots of new growth this spring and is doing very well. i am about to have built a new teak planter, square and bigger than plastic one. i want to transplant now or soon. i know before nurseries dig conifers out of the earth for b&b sale, they do it before new growth. in this case i don't think i have to wait til next spring because it's already in a container. i will dig very carefully and try to keep roots totally in tact...the root ball still resembles shape of original grow pot but probably has put forth new roots. please advise as new planters are coming!! thanks for letting me know pointers asap. best.

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