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Camellia sinensis (for tea) source on West Coast?

20 years ago

Hi all, I am looking for a source to buy two Camellia sinensis plants, 1 gallon size. I had a bad experience with Raintree 3 years ago when I ordered 1 gal sized C. sinensis and got 4 inch pots while charged for 1 gallon size, and the treatment I received left me soured on them. I nursed those little 5 inch plants, treated them like my other camellias which all flourish, and they had nevertheless died by the end of the second year, just never was healthy. So, I am looking for an alternative source.

I want to order 2 plants of 1 gallon size from a nursery that delivers nicely sized and healthy Camellias by mail order, and hope that someone can recommend a source from personal experience. Delina

P.S. Doing extensive searches on the Internet, I did find Camellia Forest nursery who are located in the southeastern US. Anyone had good experience with them?

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