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We took a drive this morning (8 photos)

Annie's beautiful wildflower meadow inspired us to take a drive out along a country road to see what was blooming in a little patch of wildflowers native to this area. We found it a few years back and since then we visit it each spring. Unfortunately others are now using it as a dumping ground and the wounds from the tires of 4 wheelers will never heal.

Last year we went in June and it was already all dried up and dormant. This year it has been so wet it's a different story, there were large patches of Kinnikinnick with their berries just starting to color up, the Camas were mostly finished and I think we were either too early or too late for the Shooting Stars, sorry Annie I so wanted to get a pic for you as this spot has lots of them.

Here's a few pictures of what was still in bloom. We'll go back and check it out again in a couple of weeks.

Common Camas, Camassia quamash

I think Sea Blush Plectritis congesta and Monkey Flower Mimulas alsinoides

Again Sea Blush Plectritis congesta and Yellow Monkey flower Mimulas guttatus

A little wild rose

Artic Lupine Lupinus articus and Oxeye Daisies

Artic Lupine Lupinus articus

Red Columbine Aquilegia formosa

Meadow Death Camas, Zygadenus venenosus

These identifications are the best I could come up with using my book on Plants of Coastal British Columbia.


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