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My 5.5ft tall Kalanchoe Luciae...what NOW!?

11 years ago

I know I should have acts sooner, being a mom to two wee ones has taken priority this summer. I have two "open planters" around my pool. Under screen but facing west in Zone 10 (hot and tons of sun) I love succulents so I gave it a go. So now I'm in a pickle! The agave is large enough it could be on its own in there, and I have two kinds of Kalanchoe (the soft green and white) and the "fantastic" luciae. Both the green have grown stalky and produced flower stalks. My "fantastic" took a heavy beating with our unusually soggy summer but are also flowering. Thoughts?! Take all out, trim, let callous? Yikes. I don't want to lose these. I have many pups in there so the flowering ones have given me babies (they will die right?)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Tried to upload about 4 pics be would only load 1.

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