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Citrus Tree - Yellow, Brittel Limbs, Possible Fungus

19 years ago

I have two orange trees, two tangerine trees, and one ruby red grapefruit tree. I bought the property with trees intact, from what I can tell most of these trees have been planted in the late 80's and early 90's. Original owner kept very good records, but no names on trees. All the trees except for one small tangerine tree is over six foot tall. The small tangerine tree started growing the best in late 2003, and has tripled in size. This year we have gotten more heavy rain then I remember in quite a while.

All the trees have been doing wonderful for the last 6 years and I have not done much except prune and pick the fruit. But this year is different.

Started with my orange trees and the leaves turn yellow and drop off. Then I noticed the branches - where the leaves dropped off - turned brittle. There seems to be some kind of fungus growing on the trunk and very little on the limbs, and next the leaves are now getting a black coating on them (which could be sooty mold but not sure). The process seems to run about 4 - 6 weeks for the tree to lose about 60 percent of its leaves. The some of the fruit is still on the trees but I have not see where the fruit is still continueing to grow and mature. Most of the fruit has dropped along with the leaves.

This is also spreading out to my tangerine and grapefruit trees. I have read everything I can find but I don't seem to find anything that covers all the symptons. Is there something I should be looking for, or something I can start with. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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