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HELP! Don't know what to do with young Multi-Blue & Dorota!

18 years ago

Hi All,

My daughter gifted me w/Multi-blue & Dorota for Mother's Day. She purchased them online from a company that advertised 1 1/2 yr old plants. I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT! When I took them out of the bag there was only a small bareroot. I potted them up 6 in pots, water them every day and have them in the backyard which is NW exposure. They have only grown about 4 inches each and each has only 1 stem. What should I do w/them? Fertilize? Plant in yard? Put them in a dark basement in the fall? Will they ever amount to anything? I do not have a green thumb but am learning. Please advise me as what to do w/my clems. If I keep them in the house over winter I am afraid they won't get enough sun as we live in a heavily wooded rural area. Also I have a 7 year old Henryi that gets wilt every year. I cut it down to about 6 inchs but should I tear it out and burn it. This year it had alot of foliage but only a handful of small flowers. I didn't fertilize anything? What kind of fertilizer do clems like? Is bonemeal a fertilizer? Should I fertilize now or next spring?

Thanking you in advance,


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