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Picea omorika Photo Gallery 2011

Another one of my favorite conifers, be it species or the many cultivars. The shiny, silvery-blue green needles are often in many beautiful forms, weeping, cascading, arching or very compact buns of shimmering color. I search for new cultivars relentlessly, one of my big five favorites(Abies procera, Abies koreana, Picea omorika, Pinus parviflora and Cedrus cultivars), the great conifer grandfathers of Europe have discovered and named many precious plants over the long years. Here are some from my collection - please feel free to share any of yours.

As with all of these galleries, last years enormous gallery is linked below...

Picea omorika 'Nana'. Becoming more and more common, but no less beautiful, a great bun of colorful foliage that eventually forms an upright leader and grows around 4-10 inches a year, depending on climate. This specimen is roughly 10-12 years old.


'Treblitsch'. One of my small dwarves that border on miniature status(an inch a year or less). 6-10 years old.


'Gotelli's Weeping'. A more bluish-silver VERY narrow spire of weeping foliage. Older specimens can be 20' tall and 3' wide. My specimen was a grafted side branch so it has required significant encouragement to head upwards and presume a true leader.


'Schneverdingen'. A tiny cultivar, named after the town it was discovered in I believe, grows maybe a half inch a year.


'Peve Tijn'. Similar to 'Nana', with half the growth rate, forms a tight mound of gold-green before eventually forming a leader.


Lots more over the next few weeks!


Here is a link that might be useful: Picea omorika Photo Gallery, 2010

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