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Picea omorika 'Large Uprights' Photo Gallery 2010

While eventually I am going to start or add in photos of all the various serbian spruce clones in my garden, I think the large uprights are deserving of a post all their own.

In particular, this might be a good way to compare various large uprights, discover the true identity of some mystery plants and note the many various and different forms of Picea omorika.

Unlike other photo galleries where I'd tend to discourage duplicate plant photos, this is exactly the type of thread to compare, so if you have ANY intermediate to large Picea omorika, let's see them here. I have a lot to add, so I'll start with a handful to get things going.

Picea omorika 'Berliner's Weeper'. One of two I have potted opposite eachother as sentinals from the patio to the garden. One I've staked, the other I've tend go for now. Both seem pretty wide growing, thus far.

'Pendula Bruns'. I'm certain this is the correct cultivar. Showing characteristic narrow, irregular growth. Growing like a weed.

'Pendula Bruns'. An example of what can happen with two leaders. Since snow and bad Winter weather is rare here, I am going to let them both go and see what happens.

'Gotteli Weeping'. Purchased from Bob Fincham at Coenosium gardens. One of the first conifers I've ever bought and it's still trying to find which way is up. Has a different color hue then my other upright weepers.

'Pendula Bruns'. Again, I'm certain the cultivar is correct, it's just developed oddly and now I am actually deciding to encourage the irregular growth. Should be interesting to watch.

'Bruns'. One of my more neglected conifers, this poor guy gets minimal water and only a glance or two each year.

'Aurea'. Supposed to have a very similar growth habit to 'Pendula' or even just the species itself. Gold is beginning to fade though it was BRIGHT gold for at least 6 weeks.


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