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Have you checked for Spider MItes yet!!? Just a reminder:-)

12 years ago

With all this unusully warm DRY weather, it time for the munchers to start about their buisines, doing what they always do, zap the enrgy from our trees and drain the dry dry!

Yup, if you aren not vigilent, they will catch you off guard as they did me, so it's time to act and wage this campaign against them

It has been a VERY TOUGH year for many I know, and I too was caught off guard, BUT KILLED THE SUCKERS, and now I am on the prowl, they won't beat me or catch me off guard again, not like they killed my Lime tree.

Look for sudden limpness in your leaves, moddled very new growth, deformed new growth, curled leaves, leaves that look dehydrated even though their is plenty of moisture in the mix, sudden drop of blossom and very new growth.

This is VERY easy to see and catch, so don't be fooled.

Hope this makes you aware before it's too late and kills your tree like it did my Lime:-(


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