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Loropetalum/Chinese Fringe

16 years ago

I've posted a query about Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum on the Shrubs forum, but have not gotten any responses. It dawned on me just now that this forum might be better. I'm thinking of planting one of these shrubs in front of our front porch (morning and early afternoon sun/afternoon shade) - our front yard was designed some years back with a color palette that ranges from dark green (one Mugu pine) through dark purple-plum (Flowering Plum) to Hawthorn shrubs (pink flowers), crape myrtles (ditto), and nandina (reddish tones). The designer originally also put a small weeping tree (aspen? Not sure) right by the front steps. This was ill for some time and has had to come out, leaving a considerable blank space. I've been looking into plum-purple shrubs (or small trees), taking into account the hard time plants have here in the Summer (Merced). I like the look of the Loropetalum chinense, as its foliage seems to echo the wonderful plum tree which dominates the yard. It sounds as though it would do well here, too. I wonder if any of the Forum Folks have experience of this plant, and if so, could they share it with me? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.

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