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Kinda OT: what to do under new deck?

15 years ago

Hey folks, this is a little off topic but I thought this would be a good group to ask. I'm putting in a new deck on the house and am trying to figure out what to do underneath. The deck will only be about 3ft off the ground so I won't have enough room to mow or weed eat under it. I want to keep it as vegetation free as I can. I'm going to kill any weeds and grass off before the floor goes up, and I'm thinking landscape fabric/black plastic with rocks, mulch or something over it. Do you think a wood chip mulch would work? I thought about pavers too but maybe that would be silly to build a patio under a 3 ft high deck. Not to mention expensive! Gravel has been a consideration, but again, expensive for the size we are building. Thoughts? What do you guys have under your decks?

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