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Please take a look at my tortured Jade cuttings! Next Step?

10 years ago

Hi Everyone! I'm new to this forum, potting, and jades. I know people might be tired of answering questions about Jade but I searched and searched the forums and need some specific advice.

I received 3 Jade cuttings (about 10" long each) as a gift 3 months ago. I've tortured them and one died. I'm trying to save the other two. ***Pictures Below****

Things I did (wrong):
1. Rooted in water
2. Straight from water to MG moisture control mix (no drying out first)
3. About one month later, noticed black spots on some leaves, sprayed leaves with water then wiped off with alcohol-dampened paper towel.
3. About a week later, noticed infestation of fungus gnats (spread from nearby plant)
4. Sprinkled Cinnamon on top layer of soil to kill fungus that attracts the gnats (they still came).
5. Soaked soil with hydrogen peroxide to kill larvae
6. Scraped out 2"-3” of soil and replaced with beach sand (I know wrong kind) to keep adult gnats from laying eggs
7. Stopped watering for 3 weeks. Trashed other infected plant. No more gnats.
8. Dumped out all soil from jade and rinsed off with water.
9. Currently sitting in empty pot waiting for next step.

1st Cutting: Dropped leaves, then withered from inside out. DEAD

2nd Cutting: Black spots on top and under all leaves. Stopped growing. One small new leaf just started, it has a small black dot.

3rd Cutting: Healthier looking. (Was potted deeper in the soil) A few leaves with faint black marks. One leaf with a callus/ burnt part? Lots of new leaves starting no black marks.

Other info:
I've had them in a West well lit room. Gets at least 8-10 hours of bright indirect sun daily. I live in zone 7a. We've had lots of high humidity (50-75%). It’s been consistently 79-80 degrees in the room for the past 3 weeks. I watered maybe 3-4 times in 3 months because that MG soil never dries out!

1. Do any of the roots look healthy?
2. Should I cut above the roots and try again or just repot in better soil? (Based on other forums I'll be using cactus soil 50% with Perlite 50%)
3. Are the black marks a virus the fungus gnats spread? Or do you think they're a sign of root rot?
4. Will the more unhealthy one survive?
Any insight and tips you can offer will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks for reading my long sob story! See pictures below.

Surviving Jade Cuttings 2&3

Cutting 2- Roots (healthy?)

Cutting 2- Bottom Callus (Is that fungus circle or dirt stain?)

Cutting 2- Roots and scrape of bark (I probably scraped the bark digging it out of the soil)

Cutting 2- Black spots on bottom of leaves (fungus? virus?)

Cutting 2- Another angle of the black spots.

Cutting 2- Black spots on top of the leaves.

Cutting 3- Callus under leaf flaking.

These are special to me and I would really like to try and save them. Looking for the smartest approach. Thanks again!!

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