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My first succulent dish garden and other plants
9 years ago

Hi all! Although I'm only a succulent enthusiast for a bit over a month or so, with all your help I've come to know these amazing plants well and truly fell in love with all the different kinds of plants. I live in an apartment, so the space I have is very limited, just the window sill that gets just enough sun (I hope) for my plants to be pretty healthy so far. I just wanted to share some pictures of my succulents here as thanks to all your help!

This is my first succulent dish garden, I've been looking at different arrangements and designs online and finally received the three plants I needed in the mail yesterday and voila!
The container is a 8.5-inch ceramic pot with draining hole and a saucer, saw it at a local nursery and thought this would be perfect!

The plants in here are, in order of appearance:
- Anacampseros rufescens
- Haworthia attenuata (zebra plant)
- Parodia erbescens (not sure?)
- Klanchoe thrysiflora (paddle plant)
- Senecio kleiniformis (spearhead plant)


Some of them are a bit shriveled up during the mailing process, hopefully they will be back to their normal shape and grow nicely soon

And here are my other plants, most of these I just repotted with 50/50 soil mix as I worked on my dish garden:

Pachyphytum oviferum (moonstones)

Echeveria Pulidonis

Sedum morganianum (donkey's tail)

Unknown echeveria (poor thing suffered from lots of things before I bought it, and then it was unbalanced so it fell...the flower stem broke off :"(

Kalanchoe tomentosa (panda plant)

Crassula perforata 'Variegata'

A slightly bigger haworthia

And.... lastly a silly moon cactus as a gift from friend

You can see a venus flytrap hiding at the back, I found the plant quite amusing so got it, it has very different living habits though.

Anyways, sorry for the long post! I just wanted to share my joy because this is basically all I can handle, since the space is already filled :( But I'm sure if I see something I love I'd probably get it anyway :P

Thanks for viewing!

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