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Why are my seedlings stunted?

elvie z9CA
11 years ago

Hi all. Most of the veggie seedlngs I start in 6 packs and 4" pots are stunted and way smaller than anything you can buy in similar size containers. They grow fine once I get them in the ground. I am not sure if it is bad drainage or too much sun or what it is, does anyone have any ideas?

I start them in the laundry room until they germinate then put them out on a table which gets pretty much full sun and can be windy. I water daily.

I use Earthgro potting soil from home depot, and have also tried Supersoil, that did not help.

Next I will try a soil mix from the soil place where I buy my pumice, but it does not seem like they have a designated seed starting mix either. I was avoiding anything with coconut coir, I thought maybe it is too coarse for fine seeds.

Thanks for your help!

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