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sowing seeds in coastal San Diego/Baggie Method?

10 years ago


I am wondering what I am doing wrong or if it just where I live. This year with the baggie method, I'm having problems with transplanting. They sprout in the baggie and then when I put them in the containers or ground, they don't come up. Or if they come up they die. Some, like the tomatillos came up great but some others like Mexican Torch Flower and Asclepsias didn't come up after they sprouted in the baggie.
Also, I've planted directly Okra, Abelmoschus Manihot, Hibiscus Moscheutos and while most of them have come up they grow SO slowly and never put on growth. I've NEVER been able to grow Okra here. Is it the weather? It is still in the high 50s at night most nights and the days are usually low 70s with occasional days in the 60s. It seems I don't have the heat here for the seedlings to take off.
Any ideas?

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