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Annual Spring plant sale at the Huntington Garden (photo set)

14 years ago

Today was the annual member's preview plant sale at the Huntington Gardens here in Los Angeles (tomorrow is open to the general public). The sales included a large variety of succulents and a huge number of other plants too, from roses and vegetables to carnivorous plants. Having never been, I figured it would be a good excuse to make the drive over to San Marino, have a walk through the desert garden and maybe pick up a plant at the sale. ;-)


There was a huge crowd in the sales area.


It was fun to see so many people excited about plants!


There was a pair of *massive* Stepahnia rotundas for sale. $225 each!


And what sale would be complete without a bucket of Welwistchia! :-)


The Pachypodium table.


Half a flat of Dendrosycios!


Wish I could have seen these a couple days ago.


A bunch of good sized Cyphostemma juttae.


I know they aren't succulents, but the pitcher plants were just gorgeous!


And the pitcher plants were in bloom!


I only bought two plants today, but this one was a real find. It is Crassula sarcocaulis, a choice candidate for bonsai work. It is in a 6" square nursery pot.

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