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Sacramento C&S show & sale May 2nd & 3rd

15 years ago

For a small club this is one of the better shows in N. CA, IMO better than NorCal. There's some high quality specimens, outstanding cacti and succulents. It was mostly a cacti club, there some succulents but not many fat plants.

You know you have a reputation when the chairperson for the show contacts you and asks "how many fat plants are you entering? how many big ones? we need to make sure we space for you."

I've been spending the last month or so prepping and I think I got it all together. This is the proposed list, buy I may drop it down to twenty.

1. Kedrostis Africana

2. Cyphostemma juttae

3. Petopentia natalensis

4. Pachypodium horombense

  1. densiflorum
  2. brevicaule

    7. Operculicarya pachypus
  3. hyphaenoides
  4. sp. Nova

    10. Euphorbia trichadenia
  5. itrimensis
  6. beharensis v. guillemettii
  7. waringrae

    14. Tylecodon paniculata
  8. wallichii
  9. reticulata

    15. Pterodiscus ngamicus

    16. Fockea edulis

    17 Ipomoea bolusiana

    18. Pachycormus discolor

    19. Commiphora humbertii

    20. Fouquieria fasciculata
  10. purpusii

    22. Pelargonium triste
  11. carnosum
  12. rapaceum

    25. Calibanus hookerii

    26. Othonna triplinervia

    27. Adenia perrieri

    28. Aloe plicatilis

    29. Avonia ustulata

    30. Mirabilis jalapa

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