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Give me your tired, your hungry and your....

....wounded, decapitated, sick and ugly. My garden is rthe site of so many wounded uprooted soldiers lying on the deck waiting for triage but the Doctor is out to lunch. Please show me that I am not alone in aborted projects and and derth of "momentary loosers" in the garden wars. Show me your sick and ugly, the leftovers, the butted out the over run and homeless plants.

I have many of the normal sick being butted out of the communal beds for health and safety reasons.


I have those looking for more luxurious digs for its growing girth.


The poor immigrants from other gardens looking for a corner .

An Agave Xylocantha having Store dirt washed away and being inspected for active bores before it gets grounded. Right now it is JUST HANGING. It has really cool teeth.


Duplications will be decapitated... Off with it head!


The agave-ferocactus war have heated up lately and had a totally foreseeable outcome and the refugee is being consoled in a place of refuge. The Agave Salmiana- ferox is butting out three clumps of cactus. They were inundated with borrowing hordes of the Baby Battalion.
. {{gwi:537598}}

I love the underside. She looks like a goat udder in need of sucking kids

She will be given a new home in the sun and not a agave in 20' (yet). That dirt in the old place was entirely too rich, anyway.

I enjoy the imbalance in the garden. It is awkward but change is just that.... Awkward.

Come on guys, add in your pictures of your flotsam and jetson that seem to be boomeranging around with no place to go for whatever reason.

This post was edited by wantonamara on Sun, Apr 14, 13 at 21:36

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