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a plague of squirrels

18 years ago

A couple years ago some of the gray squirrels (You know who you are!) living in my yard suddenly developed a taste for the gourmet treat "hearts of bromeliad". I would walk into the greenhouse and see a pile of leaves frayed at one end, and a pot with a hole in the dirt, maybe some scraps of the core of the plant scattered around. I tried patching all the holes in the greenhouse ("greenhouse" seems sort of hifalutin' for the ramshackle affair that it is) but they would always find a way in. A big part of my collection was wiped out in this manner.

Luckily hurricaine Ivan blew away all the pine cones and acorns and half the trees they grew on, and the squirrels mostly moved on. Apart from some sun scald, the bromeliads thrived and even seemed to get a boost somehow from the storm. I slapped the greenhouse back together and haven't had a squirrel problem since. Yet. I hung up some attractive inflatable rattlesnakes around the rafters to give the few critters left something to think about.

Does anyone know of an effective squirrel repellent? The slingshot method failed miserably. Would a cat work? Mothballs?

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