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crazy Easter cactus, Thanks!!

This plant made a few flowers a couple different times well after Easter this past summer, and now has 15 buds on it. They look like little cut gems and these tiny spots of color are as cool as the flowers that will come from them to me.

Several people, especially PG, on the house plant forum got me straightened out and apparently the plant is happy now to make 15 blooms at the same time. But I'm left wondering, how in the world is it managing a 3rd bloom in well under a year after what it's been through?

Wondering if they just naturally bloom sporadically "in captivity" but are especially easy/convenient to manipulate into bloom for Easter so are sold that way and given that common name. What this plant has experienced just since June, when it was given to me, could in no way be construed as proper treatment, due to apparent lack of knowledge about soil on behalf of the person who gave it to me in a pot of sandy peat, and initial confusion on my part about thinking it wanted to be dry all the time and in full sun.

Just took this pic. Don't think these buds would be here w/o the advice and concern of GW'ers. Thanks everyone!!

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