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Things We Can Do To Protect & Help Our Bee Friends

17 years ago

Under the discussion of Colony Collapse Disorder, someone asked, "What can we do?"--what can we do to protect and help the honeybees and other pollinators in this worrisome time? Well, how about starting a thread to talk about that--and hopefully create a spark toward action? Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling...

We can stop using pesticides and help others understand the dangers of pesticides, for bee health, human health, ecosystem health.

As people who love and know about bees, we can gently educate our friends, neighbors, and family members about the wonders of honeybees, and their importance to our ecosystem and food systems.

We can support environmental protection by volunteering or donating to local environmental protection organizations and efforts.

We can hold our local, state, and federal politicians accountable to us when it comes time to vote on bills with relevance to the health of our environment.

We can keep bees and explore more organic methods of beekeeping that support strong bee colonies that are not dependent on antibiotics to survive. (There's a lot of exciting stuff happening in this area, as a quick Google search will reveal. It's pretty eye-opening to realize how many different approaches and ideas are out there.)

We can support local, organic (or low-impact) agriculture that manages farmland with respectful, environmentally friendly practices.

We can respectfully invite our fellow beekeepers to reconsider some of the "standard practices" that may be weakening the honeybee over time.

We can write editorials and letters to our local newspapers requesting that they increase coverage of environmental issues, including the problems various pollinators are facing.

What else??? :)

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