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Favorite HT/Grandiflora?

dublinbay z6 (KS)
10 years ago

I'm curious. Some years ago we took a rather long survey of everyone's favorite roses. The top winner was Double Delight. I'm wondering if that is still true.

Let's all list our top THREE favorite hybrid teas (or grandifloras) and briefly indicate WHY--such as beauty, disease-resistance, fragrance, or good re-bloom.

Here's my three, to begin this.

Double Delight--beauty, fragrance. I remember saying several years ago that I couldn't imagine a collection of hybrid teas that did NOT include Double Delight. I think I still feel that way.

Red Intuition--unusual striped appearance, good re-bloom, bs-resistance

The third one is hard to choose--either Elina or Peter Mayle. They are both in the same border and both wonderful roses--Elina is pastel, very bloomiferous, and bs-resistant; Peter Mayle puts out the largest big fat full blooms in hot pink, a real-show stopper, but not quite as bs-resistant as Elina nor as good a re-bloomer. I guess if I have to, I'll go with Elina as my third choice, but I feel bad about not including Peter in the list. : (

Whew--that was a little harder than I expected.

OK--let's hear it for your favorite top-three hts/grandifloras.


Edit: Photos added--to keep up with the other posters!

This post was edited by dublinbay on Fri, Dec 6, 13 at 7:11

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