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On Japanese Beetles

We don't have them in California (yet), but I am sad that

fellow rose gardeners are having such a tough time with

them. So much so, that it's getting in the way of enjoying

roses. Some are even considering not growing them and

it's because of these pests. I admit to being green on this

subject. Does anyone know when they we're introduced

in this country? I suppose they started colonizing on the

east coast, because that's where the problem seems worse.

Does anyone know, if the spread is close to reaching the

western states? I've been considering how I would handle

this problem.


Plant once-blooming roses, that bloom when the JB's are

not around. At least, until these pests can be controlled.

Plant fewer roses, at least until some company or individual,

creates a way to combat JB's. There is big $$$$ to be made,

for whoever can invent something, to prevent JB's attacking.

Trim off any flowers, on your summer blooming roses and

just allow flowers to bloom in spring and fall.

Or maybe, I would just accept the ecology of the situation

and that JB's love roses as much as me. I would just have

faith that a solution would be found for this, sooner or



"I'm in a quandary right now as to weather or not I will continue growing roses.

I'm so tired of the losing battle against the Japanese Beatles situation here where

I live. It is very disheartening to purchase, plant and grow a beautiful rose yet

never have the opportunity to enjoy the blooms since they are chewed up if not

completely devoured.

I have to honestly say that I am losing my love of roses. For me roses = JB's.

I do not have a very positive outlook right now, I know, but I'm SICK & TIRED

of dealing w/ those bugs.

On a lighter note, I am finding other beautiful plants that are not harassed and

attacked so violently by the JB's.

Deep down I love my roses, to me, they are almost like a faithful pet. Do you

believe that my Pat Austin gave me one beautiful last bloom this cold and dreary

weekend? LOL, maybe I'm just tired"...


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