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A Rant About The Dark Lady

It's less than a year old, completely healthy, with lots of leaves and large, fragrant flowers but - the flowers are practically fire engine red!!! I did not expect this. I wanted a soft reddish purple color and I can hardly bear to look at the thing now. Up until recently I'd been disbudding this rose but I remember about six months ago I allowed one bud to bloom and I'm sure it was a darker red. Looking at HMF some of the pictures do show a more bright red color but the majority are more purplish. I'm really disappointed. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I HATE red roses. Could climate be a factor in determining the color of this rose? I gave Clair Matin away because it was salmon rather than the pink I saw in Florence's much cooler garden, so I know heat can have an impact. My rose also looks a little too modern for my taste, but I could forgive that if the color were what I wanted. Does anyone have this rose and could you please tell me your experience in terms of color? I'm ready to give this one away if it doesn't change its tune (color).


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