Out of curiosity, how many/who is left?
8 months ago
last modified: 8 months ago
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Asparagus - how many stalks should be left to grow wil
Comments (7)The stalks are(were) very good size. some of them bigger than the ones they sell in the store. I thought I should let the first one grow into fern so it feeds the later ones but reading your post, I realize I was wrong. This morning I saw another one that was the size of a pencil - pretty thin compared to the ones that came out last month but I cut it off and ate it and it was delicious. I think I will do what you suggested forpityssake and cut down the grown fern. They are the largest I have seen. More than 5 feet tall and still growing. My asparagus plants are righgt next to compost area and gets mostly indirect sun because of the fence on two sides except during summer it gets may be 2 hours of direct sun....See MoreHow many 'baby boomers' out there?
Comments (24)It seems that some of us are retired but many are not quite there yet. A couple of tips from my own experience: - DO a budget. Even if you're terrible at that kind of thing (I am and we are). You need a good idea of what your real outgo is and what you are spending month to month on your personal 'splurges', which we all have. Accept that housing is an expense you will always have, whether you rent or own a home. Property taxes go up, water heaters go out, roofs leak, cars die of old age. Always assume you're going to live long enough to encounter major expenses of some sort. - ALLOW for inflation. Never mind the CPI, you know how prices increase and new taxes are passed that hit your pocketbook even if they never get included in the official statistics. - PRACTICE living on your retirement income. Don't assume your expenses will go down in retirement. That isn't automatic. Our expenses went up drastically in the first year, when we traveled extensively around the West. There were new casual clothes and shoes to buy, travel accessories we hadn't needed before, and a lot of very happy poor people got our expensive work clothes from free donations. We didn't even get a write-off: the standard deduction was bigger than our charitable totals. - ANALYZE the biggest risks to you NOT achieving your retirement goals. Is your health impaired? Does your family medical history send up red flag warnings? Have you budgeted for long term care costs? Is your home suitable for universal access, or would a broken leg make it impossible for you to manage by yourself for three months? Do you have sufficient retirement savings? Pensions or annuities? Social Security and Medicare eligibility assured? Did you work for any company long enough to be fully vested - because if you did, they should have sent you a letter at age 50 telling you how much you'll receive in a monthly annuity they purchased on your behalf, for which you are eligible at age 65....but they have to be able to FIND you to send you the letter. - MAKE new friends. Boomers are really the first generation to have defined themselves by their work, and to have made most of their friends in the workplace, not from community or church affiliations. It has been shown the happiest elderly are the ones who not only retain good social ties, but who develop new ones to replace old friends that move away or die. - IMAGINE worst-case scenarios. The Boomers I know who retired (or meant to) and got into financial troubles, didn't stress-test their assumptions. Playing ostrich with your retirement planning almost guarantees life will slap you in the face with a wake-up call at some point! Everyone has risks in their daily lives. It's your retirement, and therefore your responsibility, to figure out how to mitigate some of those risks. You can't eliminate all risk, but you CAN, and should, research how to lessen the bigger risks. For example, our biggest risk was the death/disability of a spouse. Being in our late 50's at retirement meant a sizable financial hit if one of us died or was disabled by serious illness/injury. Therefore, we mitigated that risk as best we could, in several different ways. Anticipating things going wrong means you will feel better prepared and more able to cope, if something does go wrong. Like being aware of the "Exit" signs in a theatre or on a plane, having a mental plan is very reassuring....See MoreHow many days before closing should we move out?
Comments (48)So...... as the seller, I am expected to have a completely empty house, with ALL the work that entails, for the final walk through? What, may I ask, is the point of a walkthrough? I would assume it is one last check to make sure nothing is wrong, as subjective as that sounds, before closing. That being the case it would appear that I the seller am burdened with hoping the all powerful buyer doesn’t back out the day before closing after secretly finding out they’re pregnant. Thus, leaving me with the work of moving back into the house paying movers for nothing and then resetting the home for showings. Forgive my vulgarity but this sounds dumb as hell....See MoreHow many Knock Outs?
Comments (16)@Meg Meg I have ordered it from them too and it's due to ship next week. I am quite excited but I have a dilemma, since Rosita came up. I hope it is OK to ask the question here without hijacking the thread. My question is: should I dare to place Rosita in this spot where it only has 5 feet to grow between two other roses (2-3 ft on each side), and also another 2 feet or so from a rose in front of her? Here is the spot: The gap in the picture appears large than it is. I heard Rosita needs lots of space because it tends to get large (some even said 10 ft. wide but the Heirloom description said 5). However, my experience indicate that in this bed roses seem to stay smaller than described, probably because they compete with the roots of a tree nearby. (Please pardon the naked fashion of Dick Clark, I pruned the living lights out of it due to cane borers). I wouldn't mind having a bush here to fill all that gap and provide a bit more privacy between us and the neighbors. I seem to photograph their garbage can every time I try to take some pictures of this bed. I just hope she will not grow crazy big and engulf the other three roses around her. (On her left in the back, Julia Child, on he right Dee-Lish, in front of her Dick Clark). Any opinions would be greatly appreciated and do let me know if I should move the topic to a new thread if posters would prefer that. Thank you so much!...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 6 months agolast modified: 6 months agoBrandon Garner thanked comtessedelacouche (10b S.Australia: hotdryMedclimate)
- 6 months agolast modified: 6 months agoBrandon Garner thanked rosaprimula UK (Cambridge) Z8/9
- 6 months agoBrandon Garner thanked ingrid_vc zone 10 San Diego County
- 6 months agoBrandon Garner thanked ingrid_vc zone 10 San Diego County
- 6 months ago
- 6 months agoBrandon Garner thanked ingrid_vc zone 10 San Diego County
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