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Out of curiosity, how many/who is left?

8 months ago
last modified: 8 months ago

The thread of Paul Barden missing got me to thinking about about all the people who have been on different versions of rose related forums over the years that I have been growing roses. (The first rose related forum that I ever paid attention to was

There have been many things, from disagreements, to website mismanagement to death, that have removed people from the rose forum that I follow, I know that there are other forums, I just dont have time to follow multiple. I recognize fewer and fewer people who were big contributers, meaning constantly posting instead of just reading like I did/do, of past versions; and it got me thinking and wondering how many and who is left. I am hesitant to name those I recognize from the past in case I fail to mention someone and unintentionally hurt anyones feelings.

I do hope that Paul Barden does come back at some point in time. I feel like with each prrson’s departure, for whatever reason, the forums wind up with a bigger hole than what could have been anticipated.

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