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update: ?Dry-grown teas in Mediterranean climates??

12 years ago


This spring I had asked the group whether tea roses could be dry grown in Mediterranean climates. I had gotten varying responses but the general drift was that they could not be grown reliably without watering in southern California, and Kim/Roseseek said they would be susceptible to sunburn and associated dieback and death, if not given enough water to maintain a full foliage canopy.

Well, looks like Kim was probably right! A study by Robert Mattock Roses at had high hopes for the Tea roses as drought resistant but they failed abysmally. Plants were grown on rainfall only, in an area with similar rainfall to where I landscape in Pomona. They only list the successful roses, of which there are no Teas. Reading their explanation, it seems like the problem for Teas was sunburn although they don't state it explicitly. Successful roses include Rugosas and Wichuriana ramblers. Glad to see my old Mendocino favorite Mme. Alfred Carriere on their list.

If anyone has any comments/suggestions I'd appreciate it, as a rank amateur with a desire to use antique/unusual roses in very dry gardens.



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