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Mutabilis - To Chop or not to Chop

Mutabilis is one of the very first roses I planted in our garden here. I planted it in the front garden, close to the house wall, where it doesn't really get enough sun (I know, what was I thinking, but that's where I wanted it). As you can see from the pictures, it's a rather thin-caned bush which leans outward and I wondered whether a good pruning will help it or hurt it. Given the lack of optimal light, would it grow back quickly enough? I hope to have your expert advice on this. This rose is very dear to me even though at this time of the year especially it's not looking its best, but I never want to be without it. Seeing Mutabilis in a botanical garden years ago was the beginning of my passionate love for the old roses. By the way, the large piece of wood you can see at the bottom of the last picture is not part of the bush, but rather a piece of wood I used to prop up Mutabilis because after it rained it leaned very far forward.

Thank you for any and all advice.






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