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Watch the Bördy! Or garden gadgets and tools

Do you have any new gizmos for the garden? Or tools that you find essential or particularly helpful? How about garden purchases that have been just plain disappointing or a disaster? Say the trowel that fell apart the moment it touched the soil. Or did you find an especially nifty gadget that made gardening chores much easier? Maybe something that by its very presence made you smile?

I just found the pictured cutie on a recent trip to a local nursery. A little blue Bördy. He's happy looking and is supposed to be functional as well. A watering bird, simply give him water through his beak, and the water is supposed to come out the clay base. We'll see.;) I bought an unidentified salvia some months back, but the orphan is not too happy in high heat and goes limp well before anything nearby shows distress. He may need more time to grow enough roots. Hopefully, the extra water source makes a difference. If not, the plants will have a colorful companion.


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