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In Praise of a MODERN Rose

I bought Julio Yglesias when I spotted it at a nursery when I was buying Yves Piaget and thought it would fit in very well with my older roses, and I'd always wanted a striped rose. It looked beautiful its first year, but this year has produced three or four stunted blooms with no spring flush whatsoever. It was on my list of roses to get rid of, which it must have gotten wind of, since it suddenly began to grow and bloom. What is so special about this rose is the fragrance. I must say that in my garden fragrance has been fickle and elusive. For most roses here all conditions have to be perfect. The same rose that smelled great in the morning is odorless in the afternoon or evening. It may smell good when it's warm but offer up nothing on the rare rainy day. Not Julio, however. Rain or shine, day or night, hot or cool, for me this rose is always intensely fragrant. Added to its beauty and total lack of disease for me, this rose is a winner in my garden. Have any of you experienced this constant fragrance with JY, and has it been a successful rose for you?


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