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Your successes or failures with Gallicas in "mild" winter areas

12 years ago

I recently started a thread on shade as a factor in winter chill that has allowed me some success with Gallicas even though I get little winter chill (less than 400 hours below 45 degrees.)

Kim (Roseseek) made a point that I'd like to follow up on,

"Even the accepted "pure Gallicas" can vary quite a bit. It all depends upon the genetics of the particular variety. Probably the best way to judge is going to be through others' experiences. Those whose winters are milder and report better bloom, should give you some decent indications of what to expect."

So I'd love to hear from gardeners in zone 9 or 10 if you've planted Gallicas and how they've done for you.

My successes so far are

Gallica Officinalis

Assemblage des Beautes

Tuscany Superb

Duchesse de Montebello ('s a newish plant in a 5gal that I purchased this spring from ROYT in Watsonville, CA)

Rosa Munda

Alain Blanchard

Several people in the previous thread mentioned Cardinal de Richleau as flowering well so am considering it.



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